Ballers 4 Christ

MISSION Statement

To provide an opportunity to pursue, grow, and strengthen our relationship with Christ through athletics.To provide an atmosphere for a fun, and active way to fellowship with Christ-like minded people, drawing us closer to God.



Working alongside local churches and community organizations , we provide an opportunity for participants to become a part of an athletic driven organization to fellowship, grow and strengthen a relationship conducive to drawing closer to the Lord through our shared passion of athletics. It is our intent that through becoming an active member, together we will become a part of something bigger, to make an impact for expanding God’s Kingdom.


As a prospect you will be associated with our team in order to allow you to experience and explore what we are about.
As a prospect you will be allowed to attend events, donate time, and volunteer.
You will be allowed to play with a team with provisional approval signed by a designated team captain or coach.
During this provisional period the expectation will be to adhere to and pledge our team member rules and regulations, including sobriety.
Once a commitment is made, you will complete and submit a membership application to be reviewed and approved by our board for acceptance.

*Member Perks*

Becoming a member allows you to wear our official Club Lettermen Jacket, along with earning approved patches acquired through out your participation and achievements as a club member. You will also receive a formal club membership number.

*Member Responsibilities*

As an active member you will be expected to adhere to the following:
• Attend assigned games
• Attend meetings
• Participate in events
• Partake in fund raisers

AT ALL TIMES you will be expected to represent yourself as a responsible and positive reflection of not only the club but in resemblance of Christ.